Why FES?
In the early 60s with the emerging of Christian Fellowships in some tertiary institutions in Malaysia, the need was felt for a coordinating body to strengthen these fellowships through training and counseling.
Hence FES came to be through the concerted efforts of some graduates and students. While a member of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), FES Malaysia remains an independent body, run by Malaysians and supported by Malaysians.

Students in fellowship, at the then University Malaya in Singapore saw the potential of students impacting students in campus. Hence FES came to be. Graduates came back to avail their resources to disciple, shape and walk alongside students.

With the imminent separation of Singapore from Malaysia, FES Malaysia was birthed through the combined effort of both students and graduates of that era. The goal was to inspire the endless possibility of the impact students can have in the campus and later, as graduates, wherever they are placed.

The first full-time staffworker, Mr. Thomas Heng (pix-left) was appointed.

Camp Cameron began!

ReGrow reading program initiated. – Christian books were brought in and offered at bargain prices to encourage students to read

Inter-Varsity Tour Mission Trip (IVTMT) was started to encourage local missions.

First National Conference held in Universiti Pertanian Malaysia.
Theme: Here am I

Third National Conference held in Peacehaven Campsite.

Our first regional office made its home in Kuching, Sarawak.

FES moves north and opened a regional office in Penang, catering to the upper northern campuses.

Our base now extends to the southern region, in Malacca.

Social Work Exposure and Embracement Program (SWEEP)
– Encouraging and exposing students on social work.

WORDilicious Investigators
(a conference, concert and carnival)
to issue a call for students to rediscover the Bible for themselves and its relevancy.

STOMP (Student Together on Mission Partnership). The team consist Semenanjung and Sarawak students visited Pantu & Betong.