Vision Statement
Changing Students for life so that they will impact society, church, family and campuses.
To inspire students towards holistic growth in Christ and to empower them to live out the gospel.
Our challenge to students is to live out the counter-culture and to make statements through their lives. Staff in all their encounters with students, either from the pulpit or in our personal time with students, consciously seek to impart concerns which we discern are needed for that particular time.
- To live under the authority of God’s Word.
- To discern biblical truth and to make a convicted stand on issues.
- To live the counter culture for God’s glory.
- To live out their identity as a missionary for God in campus and whenever He places them.
- To see a united witness across different races, languages and denominations.
- To move out and extend hospitality across cultures.
- To raise up a discerning servant leadership on campus, responding to the needs of their time.
- To seize opportunities to engage new models of leadership and ministry while retaining the essence of their heritage.
- To take up the challenge to be dispersed into all of Malaysia including smaller town.