BTSC 2014

BTSC 2014

Borneo Tertiary Student’s Camp or better known as BTSC was held in Ranchan Recreational Park , Serian, an hour’s drive away from Kuching, Sarawak from the 24th to the 29th of November 2014. 35 students from various campuses in Sarawak gathered at this camp. The theme...
IVSTR 2014

IVSTR 2014

IVSTR (Inter-Varsity Students Training Retreat) is a Mandarin-speaking camp which was held at Lutheran Highlands Lakeview from 21-25 August 2014. 38 students (from 14 campuses) and 9 personnel came together to form 3 chalet families. It was a time to look at campus...
Camp Cameron @ Methodist Centennial Chefoo Centre

Camp Cameron @ Methodist Centennial Chefoo Centre

This is the home to many graduates who spent 3 weeks together – fellowshipping with each other and more importantly, a time away from the hustle and bustle of life (and studies) to be alone with God. Many lives have been transformed and changed because the God...


How to read Jeremiah The book of Jeremiah has 52 chapters. You should first read the entire 52 chapters quite quickly without trying to understand every verse the first time. Try to get a feel of the book, jot down impressions and also verses which resonate in your...