Timor Leste Medical Team July 15_2Student Together On Mission Partnership (S.T.O.M.P.) and Medical Mission Timor Leste (28 July – 11 August 2015) was a meaningful 2-weeks cross cultural encounter with a small number of 8 people in the team. This time mission trip is special, as the team consist of a mixture of staff, students, and medical personnel coming together for the first time from various expertise and backgrounds.

It was a humbling learning experience as the team conducted a 2 days mobile clinic to serve the people there. For many, it was a first time experience and being stretched out of their comfort zone was some lessons learnt. Taking care of the children while their parents are at the clinic was also a fulfilling time of ministry!

The team also had the opportunity to share to the youths about the message of being an agent of reconciliation and transformation for their nation. Hearing the youths’ stories and responses, gave hope of a generation that will preserve on for a better future in their nation.

It was a first time exposure for many who stepped into Timor Leste and though we saw much brokenness through the different encounters and sharing, the team also saw how God had been working through different individuals in this nation. For some, Timor Leste is also called as the Land of Esperanza which means hope, and truly HOPE is seen through the brokenness as our LORD intervenes.

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