You can watch the video here
Kami berpeluang untuk bersama 22 pelajar, 7 staf, 2 kanak-kanak serta seorang bayi di Oasis 5, Ipoh, Perak selama tiga hari (21-23 April). Dari penyediaan kem sehingga pelaksanaan kem, kami melihat hadirat Tuhan berserta untuk membawa kami bersama.
Kami mendengar Firman Tuhan dikongsikan melalui buku Hagai. Kami melihat bahawa umat Tuhan ditegur kerana mereka telah lupa dan lalai dalam tanggungjawab mereka mendirikan Rumah Tuhan. Hagai diutus Tuhan untuk memperingati mereka. Kami diperingatkan melalui merenung keadaan dan persekitaran mereka yang hidup dalam reruntuhan. Sudah tiba masanya untuk membina. 🧹🧰🔩🔧🔨 Dalam segala cabaran ditempuhi, Tuhan telah berjanji bahawa DIA akan sertai mereka.
👥❤️🔥💫 Seperti dalam CF kita, walau apa pun cabaran yang kita hadapi, kita harus mengutamakan Tuhan terlebih dahulu. Kita harus sedia membina bait Tuhan dalam kita supaya melalui penyertaan Tuhan, rencanaNya akan digenapi.
Celebration of 60th years of God's faithfulness!
What a privilege to witness the work of God through the generations of students! To God be the Glory!
So then, with endurance, let’s also run the race that is laid out in front of us, since we have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us. Let’s throw off any extra baggage, get rid of the sin that trips us up, and fix our eyes on Jesus, faith’s pioneer and perfecter. He endured the cross, ignoring the shame, for the sake of the joy that was laid out in front of him, and sat down at the right side of God’s throne. (Hebrews 12:1-2, CEB)
You can watch the history and the milestones that faithful people who have walked this path because of their obedience and love for God alone.
And not forgetting the stories of voices of the Generation!
Borneo Tertiary Students Camp (online)
(16, 23 & 30 January)
Due to the pandemic, staff felt it was necessary still to have this. Taking up the challenge to modify the syllabus due to limited time & internet connection that our students face, it was certainly an encouragement for the students as well as staff who joined us. Here’s 2 of their sharing and 2 videos that captures the essence of BTSC.
“Cara penyampaian Firman membuatkan saya lebih yakin dan teguh dalam Tuhan sebab saya pernah menyalahkan Tuhan dan kurang sokongan secara rohani, kalau pergi gereja pun agak nadak riang bah sebab banyak kawan tiada pi gereja.”
Alvianna Risca, Regent College
Taught me on how to live in a community, especially during this crisis. It’s about watching & caring for people around us. Not just to focus on “what I need” but also “our needs“. As a follow up to this camp, we are going to create a new team/ministry in our church, which is more on mental health issue – awareness & solution, in collaboration with our church members, who major in “bimbingan & kaunseling”.
Joel Balang, UPSI.
C.O.R.E. Conference
(13 & 27 June, 4 & 11 July)
CORE which stands for Call to Observe, Reflect & Engage was held online over 4 Saturdays.
We looked at Isaiah & Ezekiel as well as dived into the book of Habakkuk as we call students to wrestle within and with God as we response to what is happening around us today! Out of this, may meaningful action proceed from us in the midst of so many noises.
Borneo Tertiary Students Camp (online)
(16, 23 & 30 January)
Due to the pandemic, staff felt it was necessary still to have this. Taking up the challenge to modify the syllabus due to limited time & internet connection that our students face, it was certainly an encouragement for the students as well as staff who joined us. Here’s 2 of their sharing and 2 videos that captures the essence of BTSC.
Hi Tea With FES Sarawak
(15 February)
Our ministry in Sarawak started with a “High-Tea” in 2003, sharing with our past graduates that we are starting student ministry in Kuching! From then on, they continued to support the ministry.
Calling all their friends and our graduates to come for the one day event to share about the ministry and to raise financial support. Praise God for His Macedonian call to Sarawak, for the continuous support and to see His heart for students passed on from generation to generations. This is His work alone!
Kem BM Intervarsiti
Camp Cameron
(12-31 August)
About 100 people came together for 20 days 19 nights, experiencing communal life of eating, playing, sleeping and sharing in their respective “families”. The weather may be cold but at least our hearts were warm. It was such a blessing as students, a graduate helper and staff, took this time to stop and reflect at this “bus stop” to learn the different aspects of “Give me life in Thy ways”.
Students Together On Mission Partnership (STOMP)
(9-18 August)
12 students from Peninsular together with 17 students from Sarawak campuses went as one (though divided into three teams) covering the areas of Saratok, Julau and Pakan. This is the 4th time Sarawak hosted STOMP which began in 2008 in Pantu area.
“Through the sharing (translation) from my team members, I got to know the people. Their stories of simple yet unwavering faith encouraged me. They had one faith. It made me think of the ‘one faith’ we have in Peninsular, where we talk about everything under the sun EXCEPT the thing that we say matter the most to us. Sometimes people who try to bring up God in a ‘yumcha’ session are labelled as ‘holy’ or ‘pretentious’. But not here. The aunties discussed Bible verses as they go about their cooking, they thank God for His blessing in the form of fishes that they reared in the river and their first course of action to treat a bee sting is prayer.” ~ Sue Vern (participant)
Wordilicious Investigators Sabah
(9 March)
It was an exciting time as 3 students from Sarawak facilitated the study of Jonah in BM, English and Mandarin, assisted by 2 staff and 1 graduate helper. Each facilitator went through the book with staff, designed the syllabus and then taught it to others. We are grateful to Kota Kinabalu Baptist for hosting us.
Camp Cameron (42nd Edition)
(25 June – 14 July)
121 campers including 3 toddlers came together for 20 days 19 nights. The weather seemed be to cooler this year yet hearts were warmed as we got to know each other in the respective “families” that we were sorted into where we ate, slept (gender separation of course), played and shared together. The theme “Give me life in Thy ways” is of course the focus once more as we look at the micro and macro picture of what God doing in our midst. Students and staff were blessed as we took time to stop and reflect at this “bus stop”.
Social Work Exposure & Embracement Program (SWEEP)
(Penang, 31 July – 11 August)
Our broken world needs more Bible-believing-living-it-out disciples. As an individual, we cannot meet ALL the needs. But, we can be an opportunist to the open doors at our doorsteps by taking steps of courage to be the extension of God’s love.
To continually pray and ask God, “Father God, what are you doing in this person’s life? How can I be a vessel in Your service?” With increasing needs in our land, we need to focus on our Great God.
Some came with expectant hearts, while some came clueless. God graciously met us where we were. He became our Redeemer of HOPE. Our hearts were encouraged to LIVE entirely for HIM. We can only walk this life by the blood of Jesus Christ and by His grace alone.
Borneo Tertiary Students Camp (BTSC)
(19-24 November)
Staff from East and West Malaysia organised this 6 days and 5 nights camp for students in Sarawak campuses together with the help of graduates. We went through the book of Daniel (chapters 1-6), discussed about issues unique to Borneo students and brought awareness about the state of our nation & CF. Students also made friends from unexpected places. An experience indeed from ALL of us.
National Conference
The RAVE YMCA Sibu, Sarawak (26 June – 1 July)
In the age of globalization and increasing self-centredness, are we caught up with our own plans instead of God’s? Have we exchanged things of eternal value for the temporal? Are we BUSY building our own empires instead of God’s Kingdom?
“For God’s honour and glory”
A dream that was birthed one and half years ago became a reality. 407 students, graduates and staff were challenged as Christians in Malaysia to recapture God’s glory for our nation. Different cultures and languages were embraced through the intermingling of people from various backgrounds. From the exposition on the book of Haggai, night plenaries and various activities, participants caught a glimpse of magnitude of the task before us and were sent back to various parts of the country with the mandate of “KemuliaanMu, Penglibatanku.”
For a short snippet of NC, read them here on FES NADI: Sept2017web
STOMP TImor Leste
(6-15 November)
Six Malaysians ventured into the land of Timor Leste. They discovered gems in their conversations with the people and the interactions with different ones. God’s presence was evident in their time there. Truly, each came home with echoes in their hearts of being stretched by our Abba Father.
Intervarsity Students Training Retreat (IVSTR; 启航)
(Lutheran Lakeview, 25-29 August)
This is a camp specially for our Chinese speaking students. 45 students, graduates and staff had gathered together digging into Daniel 1-6. Students’ perspectives were challenged when they sat through the Encountering God and Meeting Self sessions. Evangelism workshops were also prepared for the students. They voiced out their fears and were also empowered to go home to share in their community. More than that, friendships were formed among the students.
Camp Cameron
(18 July – 6 August)
102 students, 18 staff, 3 international staff with 3 graduate helpers. 1 Camp Cameron with 7 families! Three weeks of spending a part of their lives together, putting up with each other’s musings and characters.
Learning to acknowledge our Awesome God in their lives. Embracing the past and present.
Finding HOPE for the future.
Being sent to be the salt and light.
This is their bus stop where God came and met each of them where they are. This is a milestone in their journey of faith where they wrestled with God.
Finding the meaning of the verse, “…Give me life in Thy ways.”
(Psalm 119:37)
FES Family Day & Commissioning
(17 January)
Dear FES Family,
We are thankful to God for our FES Family Day and Commissioning on 17 January 2016 (Sunday). We started with high tea and proceeded for the Commisioning Service in PJ Gospel Hall.
We remembered and celebrate
Our God, Our Ebenezer, The Lord of ALL SEASONS
who journeyed with us thus far.
The staff team stands together to embrace this new season of Leadership and also the exciting pioneering work of Timor Leste.
Thank you for being part of this significant milestone in FES. Your support, prayers and friendships are valuable to us as we move into this New Season.
Camp Cameron
(10 – 29 August)
A total of 129 students, staff, international staff and graduate helpers made up this year’s camp, assigned to 6 families!
A time away yet also a time together as we do ‘life’ in a community, being invited to met God, where they are at this point in life. For many, this is a defining time as they wrestle with God in a safe space.
STOMP & Medical Mission Timor Leste
(28 June – 8 July)
It was a meaningful 2-weeks cross cultural encounter with a small number of 8 people in the team. This time mission trip is special, as the team consist of a mixture of staff, students, and medical personnel coming together for the first time from various expertise and backgrounds.
It was a humbling learning experience as the team conducted a 2 days mobile clinic there. For many, it was a first time experience and being stretched out of their comfort zone. Taking care of the children while their parents are at the clinic was also a fulfilling time of ministry!
The team also had the opportunity to share to the youths about the message of being an agent of reconciliation and transformation for their nation. Hearing the youths’ stories and responses, gave hope of a generation that will persevere on for a better future in their nation.
Though we saw much brokenness through the different encounters and sharing, the team also saw how God had been working through different individuals in this nation. For some, Timor Leste is also called as the Land of Esperanza which means hope, and truly HOPE is seen through the brokenness as our LORD intervenes.
Chalkies Getaway
(Penang; 16 – 19 March)
It was a true getaway time for teachers-to-be at this school holidays. 88 students, 6 staff and some lecturers descended on Christian Convention Centre.
Students showed a readiness to allow the Word to speak into their lives. They experienced God first hand as they grappled and wrestled with the Word. Out of this experience, students offered their name of God that they encountered, in worship.
Hearing from each other about being discriminated because of ethnicity brought all one step closer to racial reconciliation. The message of Jambatan Anak Malaysia (JAM) touched many hearts as they seek to be agents of transformation and reconciliation in our nation.
These are some ripples from the camp…One of the participant from the camp took the material she learnt and tailor-made it for her own youth camp. Another participant regularly goes back to her hometown and gathers children to teach them the Bible. She goes door to door to ask parents’ permission for kids to come and join them. She gets rejected often but still perseveres on.
(19 June – 3 July)
17 students (from 12 campuses all around Malaysia) with 6 staff and 2 graduate helpers came together to embark on a new experience – discovering what social work is all about. This is a historic, first ever Social Work Exposure and Embracement Program (SWEEP) to be held in Sarawak.
God gave us the opportunity listen and to learn from those who gave their lives to minister at the margins. We were given a taste of the joy and challenges of the work. We were blessed even as we hoped our presence had been a blessing to all we encountered during this short stint together.
“An eye-opener for me. Through SWEEP, God has showed me that preaching is not the only way to reach out to the people around us. Sometimes it just take our willingness and an act of kindness to show them that Jesus is alive and He cares.” – Julia Kimura, graduate helper –
“I understood that Social Work or the needs of people around us are great OPPORTUNITIES, given by God to me to be part of the great work God is already doing in their lives. Indeed a privilege.” – Philip Jude, USM KK –
“An experience I’ll treasure because it has opened up my eyes to the needs of the unseen side of this society that God cares about.” – Ruby Tan, UCSI Medic (Terengganu) –
Timor Leste Visit
(10 – 17 March)
Capacity-Building Sessions with Our Partners in Timor Leste
Our recent trip to Timor Leste has been a fruitful and needed trip for the team. It was an orientation trip for Chris Herbert & Thurston before they are sent there long term in September.
This is their second trip there and in this trip, they discovered much serendipity.
The names that they have given for this trip:
Chris Herbert: “Perjalanan Permulaan: menemukan, menghubung dan memperbaharui impian serta harapan”
Thurston: “to Listen, to Dream & to Hope”. His name for God for this trip, “The God that Goes before us, Walks with us and Follows behind us.”
There was also capacity-building sessions with both Youth Vision Centre (YVC) and Nazarene Community Church (NCC). At YVC, the sessions were very timely! At NCC, the capacity-building sessions were supposed to be mainly for the leaders of the church but at every session, many of the other church members came in to join the sessions too. The team had to make some changes and adjustments but everything turned out well and many were blessed with the sessions. Praise God for that!
East Asia Regional Conference (EARC)
(2-8 July)
EARC is a triennial Christian student conference organized by International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, East Asia. The first one was in 1972 at Cameron Highlands, Malaysia with the theme ‘He Reigns’.
In 2014, EARC returned, this time in Port Dickson, Malaysia. Over 600 students from East Asian countries gathered together in Port Dickson Methodist Centre (PDMC). It was truly a glimpse of what heaven could be like with different tongues being spoken but yet united under the banner of Christ.
With the theme “Awesome God, E.P.I.C. Generation”, participants are called to discover afresh this truly Awesome God of the Bible. We reflected on what it would looked like for this current generation to embrace our calling as E.P.I.C. Generation amidst challenges of a challenging world. East Asia is one of the most fast-changing and fast growing regions economically, socially and influentially. With the changes comes a lot of other things knocking on our doors seeking our attention and our redress.
With a focus on the Biblical person and mission of Isaiah from the book of Isaiah, plus plenary sessions, workshops, small group meetings and plenty of cross-cultural interaction to help participants behold the Awesome God together as an E.P.I.C. Generation.
E.P.I.C. stands for four words that will characterize a generation under the Awesome God –Engaging, Passionate, Incarnational, Christlike. May we live out this calling across Asia and the world.
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