NORTH 2022


NORTH 2021

SOUTH 2020


NORTH 2020


Johor Office (soft) Launch 2019

Perintis: Kamek Sedia Melayani 2019 [SARAWAK]

Selah Retreat 2019 [PENANG]

Wordilicious Investigators 2017 [CENTRAL]

16 September 2017@Pahang

50 students from SIB Pantai Timur will be studying Daniel 1-6 together with staff. Many were challenged by the lives of Daniel and his three friends as they counted the cost to follow God’s standard alone.

WI Pahang

26 March 2017@Kota Bahru

Together with 6 staff, 30 students from campuses in Kota Bharu and Kuala Terengganu came together to explore and investigate the book of Ruth. Many questions, many impressions and many discoveries as they study this book together.


Morning Conversation: Integrating Faith and Work 2017 [SOUTHERN]

16th September 2017

This morning in Melaka, we are having conversations with Mr LT Jeyachandran, Vice President of Union of Evangelical Students of India, about integrating faith and work.

Morning Conversation (South)

Agents for God (A4G) 2017 [PENANG]

It was an eventful day, with 84 students from three language groups (English, Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin), coming togther to uncover Daniel 1-6. Also, 10 graduates came alongside us to serve and learn with the students. We are grateful for the TWO MEGA THEMES that stood out in these challenging times:

Emmanuel, GOD is WITH US! 

We all have a responsibility to make choices in our lives that honor GOD, despite the situations.

We dug into Scriptures looking at the agenda of the kings, before Daniel was born. This shaped who Daniel and his friends became. Looking at portions of Scriptures from 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles, we asked the questions: How did this king take over the throne?  How long did this king reign? What good or bad legacy did the king leave behind? Then, we moved on to A4G: Agents Under Threat, looking at the portion of Scriptures from Daniel 1-6. We saw the fervent faith of Daniel and his friends.

In the afternoon, we got to experience first hand what it means to make choices in A4G: Agents’ Choices. Having been given ‘disabilities’ that we didn’t ask for, the students looked out for one another and completed the tasks given in good spirits. Towards the end of the day, we were given time to ask about the struggles we face today, answered by Dr. Loh Kim Cheng. In the closing, we were again reminded that God has not forsaken and forgotten us.


Christian Voters Awareness 2017 [SARAWAK]

14 January 2017

19 students, 2 graduates, 5 FES staff and 4 trainers from Rise of Sarawak Efforts (R.O.S.E.) descended into FES Office to kick off the region’s first event of the year – the role we play in our community. The students came expecting a lecture style bombardment of information but instead ‘power’ were put back into their hands as they went through different activities, commonly faced at grassroots level.

What did they go home with? In some of their own words –

“.. both practical & educational”

“Saya nak mengundi, saya ada hak, apa (tugas) pemimpin, tahu shopping benda yang perlu…”

“Eye opener and want to register as voter…”

“I need to vote wisely…”

Southern 10th Anniversary 2016

14th May 2016

The southern office started in 2006 with the dream and of being nearer to the students, but the ministry with students in the south begin as early as the year 1996. We were reminded of how God moved the ministry and how legacies was sowed over the years during the 10th anniversary. Indeed it was a time of thanksgiving and a celebration of who God have been to the students, graduates and staffs.

Evangelistic Bible Study Training 2016 [CENTRAL]

16th APRIL 2016

75 students from different campuses came together for Evangelistic Bible Study (EBS) Training. Students learnt how to study God’s Word inductively and how to help their friends discover the Word for themselves in EBS. This training opened students’ eyes and hearts to love God’s Word and to be convicted to study it with their friends, living out the call to be a missionary in campus.


JAM: Jambatan Anak Malaysia Miri 2014 [SARAWAK]

2oth September 2014

Bringing the message of reconciliation and transformation to students in Miri. Against the current sentiment of the day, we are calling Christians to be agents of reconciliation and transformation. It is easy to criticize and to harp on other’s weaknesses. It is much more difficult to acknowledge of our prejudices against another. This is a radical message to be bridge-builders, hence JAMBATAN!

Let each person take one small step to build up, rather than to tear down! The gospel of Jesus Christ is good news for it is a message of reconciliation.

Will you be part of J.A.M.?

JAM Miri2JAM Miri1

Care Group Leaders Training 2014 [CENTRAL]

On the 13th of September 2014 in UCSI,  we had our Care Group Leaders (CGL) Training. There were a total of 77 student leaders from 10 campuses. We had an ice-breaker session to get students to mingle around with one another before helping them to understand what CG is all about and what is the purpose of CG. Students were introduced to different alternative models for CG and learning how to prepare and facilitate bible study before breaking for lunch. After lunch, students were called to practice what they have learn by facilitating in their respective small groups. Apart from that, we had a session on handling CG dynamics where students were given time to ask and share what are some of their struggles they face as CG leaders in their campuses. We ended the Care Group Leaders Training with a campus discussion session.  Students shared about what they have learned through the day and what they hoped to bring back to their own campuses.


JAM Mukah 2012 [SARAWAK]

2-3 March 2012

A Highway to Mukah…

A call to be “Jambatan Anak Malaysia”, an FES Jubilee call, is a significant story to share because this year we are celebrating the 50th year since the forming of Malaysia as well. Mukah was the first destination where the Jubilee trumpet sounded loud and clear to bring our nation before God and at the same time urge His people to be an agent of racial reconciliation as well as transformation wherever we are in this land of Malaysia. Thirty plus students, mainly from Politeknik Mukah, turned-up for that half day event. We challenged them to break down the wall of prejudice and lay a brick each to build the Jambatan Anak Malaysia. One participant responded “To write it on paper all the walls of prejudice we try to break down and respond by laying a brick at a time to build the J.A.M is so easy, but in reality, do we really want to take the first step forward to be a J.A.M builder?

Ops R.I.U.T. - Transforming Our People 2011 [SARAWAK]

17 September 2011@MBKS Indoor Stadium – Pending, Kuching 

185 students from 14 ampuses turned up to respond to the call to be T.O.P agents in their society.

We challenged them to “Transform Our People” throughout the whole day. In the morning, we called them to M.A.D. (Mission At Doorstep) and C.O.N. (Change Our Neighborhood). After lunch, we called them to S.A.lah (Social Awareness Lah!) and J.A.M. (Jambatan Anak Malaysia).
Different activities challenged them to different issues that they could easily identify with in their personal daily lives. But now the focus is much broader, we want to challenge them to respond to the many issues surrounding their society as well as in the nation. Praise the Lord, at the end of the programme, they were challenged to become the agents of transformation in their society, campus, CF, community and nation. This event was also a reminder to them of their role as “Salt and Light” in this world!

Conversations Of Shepherds Todaylah 2011 [PENANG]

15 February 2011@ Wesley Methodist Church, Alor Setar

From the moment the word “go” was uttered, 31 students enthusiastically shared their experiences of serving and being leaders in CF. This initial interaction gave way to even more serious discussions of spirituality and knowing & living out the Word. As they went through each of the activities, many were very honest in their evaluation of where they or their CFs were in these aspects. Many resolved to effect changes in their CFs.

Then as the afternoon progressed, they were told to go out to the community and engage them in conversation or do a good deed. Initially taken aback at being assigned such a task, they gamely went. To their surprise, it was not as difficult as they had imagined. They were rather pleased at the responses they got from the people they met.

So, the call to be people whose lives are investigated and transformed even whilst they engage and be agents of transformation in their community, was sown into their lives.

Conversation 2011 [SOUTHERN]

30th August 2011@ JB

Conversations in JB with 17 students, 1 advisor and 5 staffworkers interacting and having free flow discussions regarding
practical issues of campus life. Conversations dealt with subjects such as time and money management, relationship with God and relationships between guys and girls. The highlights of the day were the small group conversations between staffworkers and students. Many shared honestly and deeply. Issues addressed and friendships forged. Thanks be to God!

Geng Cetus 2011 [SOUTHERN]

22-23 January 2011@ Gateway BM Church

Here’s what a student has to say about Geng Cetus:

For me before going to any leadership trainings, conferences or workshops, I always expect God to do something through my life and in my life during the sessions. Firstly the session about heritage of CF session was really an eye opener for me, seeing how the CF first started in different campuses and all the people involved. I believe it was God’s hands and timing for this hour, it’s amazing. During Geng Cetus I really begin to grasp a much deeper understanding about leadership. The key for me was learning not to label and learning to grow another person. Being human we often label people based on their acts or conduct. I believe we need to see that we are broken people made whole again by the love and grace of God. Leadership is by example. There are so many areas in university that we Christian students can be an agent of transformation; not cheating in exams, helping people in need, standing up against injustice, and most importantly loving our friends, staff, janitors, security guards; the people that make our university a better place to study and the people that we walk past every day. Let us be the light in the midst of all darkness.

Ops Gegar: Pulihkan Jiwa, Cetuskan Revolusi! 2011 [SOUTHERN]

20 March 2010

 The call has gone out! 79 students in the southern region (from Seremban to Johor Bahru) came all the way to Melaka for Ops Gegar.

6 Prophetic Calls were shared and students who came were challenged to allow their lives to be shaken (digegarkan). All were called to have the courage to be investigated, All were called to have the courage to be consecrated, All were called to have the courage to be the Prophetic man!

We too are grateful to graduates and churches whom have rendered various kinds of help for those who attended the event. Praise and Thanks be to God!

Ops Gegar: Pastikan Anda Sedia 2010 [CENTRAL]

26 February 

It was indeed a gegar-ing experience! Despite the heat and humidity of KL at that time, 225 students tuned in to hear the urgent concerns for their generation.

In the morning, they examined their lives in the areas of their spirituality, the Word’s authority and Christ’s Lordship. When afternoon came, they were challenged to be missionaries in their campuses, to face up with their prejudices towards the ‘majority neighbours’ and to stop being indifferent to the social issues in our nation. By evening, these 6 specific concerns (or Prophetic Calls) fused into one – with the charge for all students, graduate helpers and staff alike to each be that one man with 6 ‘flavors’.

In the end, all were gegar-ed and hit hard, with many who repented and crowned Jesus as Lord again. The calls have gone out with the hope that we will all be SEDIA to live it out.

Ops Gegar: KerinduanKu, Penglibatanmu 2009 [CENTRAL]

7 March 2009

Ops Gegar Season 2! This time about 200 students’ eyes and ears were opened through firsthand accounts from our invited speakers.

Students were shaken from their apathy, called to examine own prejudices and how we can take first steps to be involved in society and reach out.