Just 3 chapters, but such powerful words. Reminders and rebukes. False teachings and false prophets. The church is on the ‘attack’ from both the inside and the outside. The Christians, the people of God who were called and saved through the righteousness of His Son, are being led away. Seem like a movie in the making. What will be the outcome?
Knowledge, knowledge, knowledge. With so much of knowledge in the world out there now, how do we discern and know, what is right and what is wrong. Is truth really absolute?
Reading this 2nd letter of Peter, though now in a different era and times, these warnings seem to hit many of us and our Christian beliefs today and how we so easily can get carried away by ‘false’ teachers around us, who seem to be teaching ‘knowledge’, but when closely examined, are being led away from what actually is in God’s Word.
Ultimately in the end, Peter reminds us to return to the Word. To live under the Word. Instead of just listening and following the words and teachings of the people around us, why don’t we read it. Digest it. Dwell upon it. Live it. The Day of the Lord is drawing nearer and will come like a thief in the night (3:10). Are we ready for this?
Peter, as a godly Christian father seems to be authoritative, yet reassuring. He reminds the hearers of their election and calling (1:10), he stirs them up by reminding them (1:13, 3:1), and also calls them to be aware; to have their eyes, ears and hearts open to what has been seeping into the church.
As you read 2 Peter, look at the many false teachings that seeped into the church at that time. List them down. And then, reflect and think about your own context – your church, your CFs, your CGs, etc. Does it truly reflect what God’s Word teaches us, or have we been carried away by the ways of the world, and man’s own thoughts and teachings, and are being led astray?
Peter concludes with these verses:
Therefore, dear friends, since you already know this, be on guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of lawless men and fall from your secure position. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
1 Peter 3:17-18
Let us too be on guard all the time, growing in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and to live under Him!